It is a new year for me,
a new beginning but I kicked off
this year on a wrong note.
This has to just change.
I have lived my life with
very few things to appreciate,
been bitten too many times and this has to just
I never go for the best I settle for what fits.
I am so done doing this, I
can be settling for what is available.
My homeboy Jay says “don’t be good be
I just don’t want to be good I want to be great.
I am so done being
second and being secondary.
I will be great and I will be number one.
Cut the chase and own the space. My struggle goes to my son he is the only one I owe an explanation to.
i wont kiss ass anymore, bitches dont appreciate they drain.
nothing you do goes appreciated, just criticized.
happy new year to me, that's whats up!